What we do at your Annual Health Risk Assessment:
We do your yearly participation appointment in your birth month at your place of employment. This appointment can also be done at our office at 921 E Tinkham Ave.
At this appointment we obtain a small blood sample through a finger poke. We then test your cholesterol and A1C (3 month average of your blood sugar that will indicate if you are pre-diabetic).
We also take weight, calculate BMI, blood pressure, pulse and oxygen as well as go through your medications, family history, social history, etc.
None of this information is shared with your employer.
We then assign you a level based on your results.
Level 1- come in once a year (no big abnormal values)
Level 2- come in twice a year
Level 3- come in four times a year.
At this time we can also discuss any issues you may have and provide counseling or give you a referral.​
Why Participate in Health & Wellness
Discount on Health Insurance
Free to Participate
Easy to access at your place of work
Free access to our medical office and health care providers
Many free lab services
These health screens can help you be healthier and happier and may save your life.
Some ways your Wellness Coach can help you:
Come in anytime your Wellness Coach is available, you DO NOT have to wait for your HRA appointment.
Exercise and Nutrition advice
Depression and Anxiety support
Weight loss help/management
BP management
General medical advice
Medication Refills
Smoking Cessation
Make appointments
If there is something else you are looking for, please ask.