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Healthy Shopping

Having a well-planned grocery list is the best way to save money and make healthy food choices. Your Health & Wellness team has come up with a few tricks and tips to help you succeed at the grocery store.


Breads & Starches: Look for "whole wheat" as the first ingredient on the label.Whole wheat breads, pastas, tortillas etc. Also compare items and purchase those that are high in fiber and low in calories.

Meat & Seafood: Skinless poultry, reduced-sodium lunchmeats, seafood that is not breaded or high in sodium (canned): salmon, trout, mackerel, red meat in moderation and leaner cuts (less marbeling), ground chicken or turkey instead of ground beef.

Dressing & Condiments: Light mayonnaise, salsa, hot sauce, olive oil, red-wine vinegar. Most condiments are high in sodium and sugar, try to avoid those when possible.

Breakfast items: Whole grain cereals, steel-cut or instant oats, fresh berries, dried fruit, natural honey instead of sugar.

Canned Goods: Low-sodium vegetables, soups, and meats. Fruits packed in natural juices instead of syrup.

Frozen: Vegetables without sauces, fruits without added sugar, pre-portioned low fat ice cream or frozen yogurt, whole grain waffles, whole grain vegetable pizza.

Dairy, Cheese & Eggs: Low-fat or skim milk, low-fat yogurts and cheeses, butter or spreads (without hydrogenated oils).

Fruits & Vegetables: Choose a colorful variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. In-season and locally grown usually cost less. Precut options save a lot of prep time.

Drinks: Water, sparkling water, natural 100% juices (in moderation), unsweetened teas.

Snacks: Whole grain crackers, dried fruits, nuts, hummus, dark chocolate.

Fresh Produce
Farmers' Market Visit
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